Food Technology Overview

Food science is the study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food; the causes of food deterioration; and the concepts underlying food processing. The food you consume on a daily basis is the result of extensive food research, a systematic investigation into a variety of foods’ properties and compositions. After the initial stages of research and development come the mass production of food products using principles of food technology. All of these interrelated fields contribute to the food industry – the largest manufacturing industry in the United States.


Thermofluorescent Pigments for Security and Safety Applications

INVENTORS • Brett Lucht, William Euler, Hu Wang


This invention uses polythiophene compounds to determine the genuineness of an article.


Detection of unauthorized replication of genuine documents, e.g., currency, paid admission tickets, visas, food, packaging, paper, pharmaceutical and electronic products.


The polythiophenes, when used as pigments to mark an item, can indicate the genuineness of the item by exhibiting expected color and fluorescence changes when exposed to temperatures known only to the manufacturer of the item. Controlled, visually detectable color and
fluorescent changes are produced.
Items coated with the polythiophenes show no detectable loss of the changed color or will exhibit no detectable loss of the changed fluorescence when after more than one year of storage below the thermochromic transition.
The polythiophenes can be dispersed in commercial plastics (polyurethane, polystyrene, polyethylene, etc.) at loss concentrations and retain the controlled reversibility.
The polythiophenes can also be used as a pigment for inks.
US #7833438
Technology is available for licensing.
URI# 03-1022
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