Defense Technology Overview

Technology is forming how wars are battled, borders are protected, convicts are gotten, and individual rights are characterized. Defense technology remains on top of these progressions, gathering together the day’s news, connecting to different sources of information, and analyzing on what’s coming down the road. It is the application of technology for use in warfare. It consists the sorts of innovation that are particularly military in nature and not civilian in an application, for the most part since they need helpful or lawful non-military personnel applications, or are unsafe to use without proper military training.

Defense technology is frequently looked into and created by researchers and specialists particularly for use in battle by the military. Numerous innovations came because of the military funding of science. Weapons engineering is the development, design, testing and lifecycle management of military weapons and frameworks. It draws on the learning of several engineering disciplines, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, electro-optics, materials engineering, aerospace engineering, and chemical engineering. The line is permeable; military inventions have been brought into regular citizen use all through history, in some cases minor alteration assuming any, and civilian innovations have likewise been put to military utilize.

For land warfare, cavalry blurred in importance, while infantry ended up in transformation by the utilization of exact and all the more quickly stacking rifles, and the usage of smokeless powder. Around 1900, entirely new developments, for example, submarines and airplanes showed up, and were immediately adjusted to warfare by 1914. By 1900, the military started to understand that they needed to depend significantly and more intensely on large-scale research centers which required government funding.


Thermofluorescent Pigments for Security and Safety Applications

INVENTORS • Brett Lucht, William Euler, Hu Wang


This invention uses polythiophene compounds to determine the genuineness of an article.


Detection of unauthorized replication of genuine documents, e.g., currency, paid admission tickets, visas, food, packaging, paper, pharmaceutical and electronic products.


The polythiophenes, when used as pigments to mark an item, can indicate the genuineness of the item by exhibiting expected color and fluorescence changes when exposed to temperatures known only to the manufacturer of the item. Controlled, visually detectable color and fluorescent changes are produced.
Items coated with the polythiophenes show no detectable loss of the changed color or will exhibit no detectable loss of the changed fluorescence when after more than one year of storage below the thermochromic transition. The polythiophenes can be dispersed in commercial plastics (polyurethane, polystyrene, polyethylene, etc.) at loss concentrations and retain the controlled reversibility.
The polythiophenes can also be used as a pigment for inks.
US #7833438
Technology is available for licensing.
URI# 03-1022
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Chemical Sensor Based on an Array of Fluorophenes with Enhanced Emission

INVENTOR • William Euler


The technology is a fluorescence sensing system for the detection of analytes that are commonly found in explosives.


  • Detection of concealed explosives
  • Forensics
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Industrial manufacturing quality control


• Speed of detection

• Exceptional sensitivity

• Pattern recognition can be used for identification

• Useful for a variety of analytes like drugs, environmental pollutants, and breath analysis

• Simple optical design – a single UV source and a CCD camera as the detector

• Inexpensive components

• It uses an array of different fluorophore and polymer combinations to receive multiple emission responses, including signal quenching and enhancement to specifically identify analytes

• Common explosives including TNT, PENT, RDX, HMX, and TATP as gas phase species can all be uniquely identified at room temperature using only natural vapor pressure of the explosive to deliver a sample to the sensor

• Adaptable to new explosives




Technology is available for licensing.

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